Munka : Média & Marketing

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MTV Networks - Marketing Manager

2011.06.13. 02:10 :: Konrad

 MTV Networks - Marketing Manager

Munkaköri leírás:

  • Managing several marketing tasks for all Viacom Global channels within the CEE2 region, organizing marketing campaigns, overseeing PR and B2B (excl. trade marketing) activities, other communication campaigns and events. Planning, preparing, executing, and following up all O&O marketing and reviewing licensee activities..
  • Reporting to Program Director
  • Preparing, supervising and executing the annual marketing strategy
  • Increasing the brand awareness of Viacom Global Hungary’s CEE2 channels (MTV, VIVA, NICELODEON, VH1 Classic, VH1 Europe, COMEDY Central, MTV Rock, MTV Dance, MTV Hits & any new products launched.)
  • Event marketing – consumer and B2B, excluding trade events for all brands
  • Supervising the O&O and licensee consumer marketing and pr (excl. trade marketing)
  • Planning and executing ATL/BTL campaigns, creating and executing company barter strategy
  • Program marketing (campaigns, games, any other marketing activities supporting programs)


  • Strategic management (marketing)  -  Knowledge of the latest marketing strategy (ATL, BTL) planning methods and confident usage of them.
  • People management skills and experience -  She/he can manage and lead people, possesses several years of management experience. Is familiar with different management styles and trends, uses at least two of them confidently, can motivate her/his colleagues, keep their performance on a desired level. She/he is part of her/his strong team. She/he has a positive way of thinking, can handle stress, can communicate clearly, is outstandingly responsible, can affect people around her/him easily, people are happy to listen and to follow her/him.
  • Foreign language knowledge - Both oral and written English knowledge on a negotiation level.
  • Presentation skills -  She/he is both aware of the content and the frame of the presentation, does use several supporting material (sw, excel, etc...). Her/his presentations are enjoyable, interactive, can influence the audience immediately.
  • High level of education - College/university degree in related field
  • Knowledge of the media sector -  She/he is familiar with the media market and its participants, the power relations and the applied technologies, has wide range of relationships

Jelentkezés és további információk: weboldalon

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