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HR Controller

2011.06.13. 02:07 :: Konrad

 HR Controller

Munkaköri leírás:

  • Responsible for providing information to the payroll company for the monthly closing.
  • After receiving the payroll report and the csv. file, preparing the monthly closing in the HR module of the company’s integrated system (Cognos).
  • Prepare and provide monthly reports to the finance department.
  • Responsible for reconcile and analyze the differences in between the financial accounting system and the Cognos HR module.
  • Monitor and analyze the actual staff cost against staff budget on the regional level. Preparing detailed analysis on the differences.
  • Assist the work of the HR Director during budgeting, reforecast and projection.
  • Create monthly and ad hoc  internal/external reports on the regional level.
  • Perform correct staff data entry into the Cognos system
  • Assists HR Managers with special reports and various projects as needed.
  • Report to the HR Director



  • At least 2-3 years of HR controlling experience
  • Colleague / University degree  is needed
  • Must have eye for detail in ensuring data integrity in payroll information
  • Must have excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Payroll and related tax knowledge
  • Experience in SUN or in Cognos is an advantage
  • Proficiency in computer system skills and knowledge in payroll systems
  • Excellent investigative and analytical skills
  • English knowledge is a must

Jelentkezés és további információk: weboldalon


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