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Sales Account Manager / Thinkdigital Hungary

2011.08.09. 01:20 :: Konrad

Sales Account Manager / Thinkdigital Hungary
Thinkdigital, the leading Online Adverting Network in S.E. Europe is seeking to hire a Sales / Account Manager for its growing Budapest Office. 
This diverse role, reporting to the top Management, will give the successful candidate a unique opportunity to join one of the fastest Digital Media companies in the region.  
The right candidate should have been in Digital Sales or Account Management for at least 3 years and he/she should have a passion for Digital Advertising. We are looking for an excellent communicator with good sales and numeracy skills, well organised, with the ability to multi task and pay attention to detail. 
 Key Responsibilities:  
  • Direct Involvement into the Planning of the Commercial Strategy 
  • Sales and day to day management of Thinkdigital’s expanding base of Clients 
  • Monitoring of the Sales Targets & Monthly Sales Reports
  • Active participation in Trade Marketing & Thought Leadership Initiatives across the region
What we offer:
  • A competitive salary based on successful candidate's experience and skills
  • A performance based bonus scheme 
  • Participation in Thinkdigital’s Life Long Learning & Development Program
To post your interest for the position, please send your CV to: 
 ABOUT Thinkdigital
Thinkdigital, is part of the Thinkdigital Group of Companies. It is the leading Online Advertising Network in S.E. Europe with presence in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Cyprus and Albania.  It provides advertisers with the most efficient way of interactively communicating with targeted consumer segments in S.E. Europereaching more than 6,5 million people in the region and currently over 3 million people in Hungary.

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: sales állást kínál account manager

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